Archive for 2016
Complimentary Passes Available for “Negotiating Service Level Agreement Key Terms”
I have some remaining complimentary passes available for tomorrow’s panel presentation on “Negotiating Service Level Agreement Key Terms” hosted by Strafford Publications. If you would like to attend, please send me a request today at and I’ll see if I can still reserve you a complimentary pass.
Read MoreUS Navy Responds to Copyright Infringement Suit Filed by Bitmanagement Software
Bitmanagement Software GmbH recently filed suit against the US Navy, alleging willful copyright infringement of its 3D virtual reality software “BS Contact Geo” and demanding $600 million in damages. A copy of the complaint has been posted by Business Insider at the attached link. Bitmanagement’s complaint alleges that the software license agreement entered into with the…
Read MoreTakeaways for Software Industry from New Study on Costs of Data Breach
If you are a cloud service provider or a software provider who offers maintenance services to enterprise-level companies, then your company has likely had occasion to negotiate indemnification clauses relating to data breaches. Moreover, your company has probably had to provide warranties around data security or employee bad acts that would provide some protections to…
Read MoreSilicon Valley Software Law Blog’s Kristie Prinz to Speak at Webinar on “Negotiating Service Level Agreement Key Terms”
The Prinz Law Office is pleased to announce that Silicon Valley Software Law Blog’s Kristie Prinz will be speaking at an upcoming webinar on “Negotiating Service Level Agreement Key Terms” on December 21, 2016 from 10 a.m. to 11:30 PST. For more information about the webinar, please see the firm’s press release on the event…
Read MoreSilicon Valley Software Law Blog’s Kristie Prinz to Speak at Upcoming Webinar on “Negotiating Software as a Service Contracts”
The Prinz Law Office is pleased to announce that Silicon Valley Software Law Blog’s Kristie Prinz will be speaking at an upcoming webinar “Negotiating Software as a Service Contracts” on December 19, 2016 from 1 to 2:15 p.m. EST. For more information, please see the firm’s attached press release. Press Release on Clear Law Institute…
Read MoreDigital Rights Management Software and the Printer Hardware Business
HP reopened a new front in the controversy between the printer hardware business and digital rights management software when it reportedly downloaded digital rights management software to customer printers as a recent security update. Fortune reported that HP’s actions were first recognized by a Dutch printer cartridge vendor after some 1000 customers contacted the company…
Read MoreFTC Announces Approval of Final Order in Deceptive App Case Against Vulcan
The Federal Trade Commission has today announced the approval of its final order resolving its complaint against the San Francisco-based software company Vulcan on deceptive and misleading conduct allegations that Vulcan had purchased a browser extension game and replaced it with a program that caused the automatic installation of applications on the game users’ mobile…
Read MoreSilicon Valley Software Blog Author Kristie Prinz to Speak on Best Practices for Negotiating and Drafting Effective SaaS Customer Agreements
Are your SaaS customers really signing an agreement that is effective for your business? How do you even know if your SaaS company is working with a customer agreement that is sufficiently protecting your business? The Silicon Valley Software Law Blog’s author Kristie Prinz is presenting a webinar on June 13, 2016 at 10 a.m.…
Read MoreShould Your Software Company Be Concerned about Product ADA Compliance?
If your software company leases office spaces, then you may have some familiarity with the legal issues involving whether or not the space is compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (the “ADA”), but have you ever considered whether your software product itself is ADA compliant? If the answer is no, then it may be…
Read MoreMicrosoft Launches New Constitutional Challenge Against Government Over Secret Data Requests
Microsoft has just opened a new chapter in the software industry’s pushback against alleged federal government overreach by filing a constitutional challenge over indefinite government gag orders when the government subpoenas information from customer cloud accounts. Microsoft’s complaint alleges that the orders violate First Amendment free speech rights and Fourth Amendment rights regarding unreasonable government…
Read MoreThird Party Hacks San Bernardino Terrorist iPhone, Ending Standoff Between Apple and FBI
The U.S. Justice Department announced yesterday that the third party who came forward and convinced the FBI that it could unlock the San Bernardino terrorist’s encrypted iPhone successfully unlocked the encrypted iPhone, ending the standoff between Apple and the FBI. The government informed the court in its filing yesterday that it had successfully retrieved the…
Read MoreLawyer Kristie Prinz Invited to Present Upcoming Webinar on “Negotiating Software as a Service Contracts”
Silicon Valley Software Law Blog author Kristie Prinz has been invited to present a webinar on “Negotiating Software as a Service Contracts” for Clear Law Institute on May 6, 2016 at 10 a.m. PST/1 p.m. EST. For more information on the event or to register, please visit the Clear Law Institute website at
Read MoreGovernment Backtracks in Dispute Against Apple Over Unlocking Terrorist iPhone
The government has asked to postpone its scheduled hearing against Apple tomorrow, according to breaking news reports by Fox News and the Associated Press as well as The New York Times. It is reported that “an outside party” has identified to the FBI a possible method to unlock the iPhone used by one of the…
Read MoreWho will Ultimately Win in the FBI’s Standoff with the Software Industry?
The Justice Department set off a huge public debate earlier this year when it sought court intervention to force Apple to assist law enforcement in unlocking an iPhone that belonged to one of the San Bernardino terrorists, and the issue is of particular interest to members of the software industry here in Silicon Valley, where…
Read MoreLumos Labs Case Signals to Health Software Industry an Intention by the FTC to Police Industry’s Advertising Claims
The Federal Trade Commission’s pursuit of Lumos Labs over advertising claims made about its Luminosity brain training software programs has sent a clear cautionary signal to the health software industry that the FTC intends to exercise regulatory authority over advertising in the space to monitor companies’ health-related advertising claims for deceptive advertising issues. The FTC…
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