
Do you have an event that you would like to add to the Silicon Valley Software Law Blog’s event calendar?  The Prinz Law Office now accepts event submissions for its event calendar for a submission fee of $12.50.  To submit an event for inclusion, please email all event information to, writing in caps in the heading “SILICON VALLEY SOFTWARE EVENT SUBMISSION,” along with the submission fee in the amount of $12.50.  Payments may be made to the firm’s Paypal account or by submitting a completed firm credit card authorization form, which may be downloaded from  To be accepted for the event calendar, the event must have some reasonable relevance to the Silicon Valley Software community.  The Prinz Law Office reserves the right to decline any submission.

In addition, the Silicon Valley Software Law Blog now has banner advertisement functionality and will consider advertisement requests.  If you have a proposal for a banner advertisement on our site, please submit your proposal for consideration to, writing in caps in the heading “SILICON VALLEY SOFTWARE ADVERTISING PROPOSAL.”  The Prinz Law Office will review your  request and get back to you.  To be accepted as an advertiser, the advertisement must have some reasonable relevance to the Silicon Valley Software community, it must meet the firm’s web requirements, and it must meet the business objectives of The Prinz Law Office.  The Prinz Law Office reserves the right to decline any proposal.

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