- SaaS Lawyer Kristie Prinz authors article on “Managing the Legal Risks of Artificial Intelligence (“AI”)”
- Failure to Address Implementation in SaaS Contracts Leads to Disputes
- FTC Announces Final “Click to Cancel” Rule for Consumer Subscriptions and Memberships
- California Enacts New Law to Apply to Consumer Subscriptions
- Kristie Prinz to Lead New Silicon Valley Home Group in ProVisors
- Kristie Prinz to Speak at Upcoming Practicing Law Institute Program
- Software Lawyer Kristie Prinz Introduces The Prinz Law Office
- Kristie Prinz Explains Why to Review Your Key Customer Contracts in a Sluggish Economy
- Kristie Prinz Explains Why Not to Use the Term “SaaS License”
- Revisiting Your Software Company’s Most Important Customer Contracts in a Sluggish Economy
- SaaS Lawyer Kristie Prinz Selected to 2024 Super Lawyers Northern California List
- The Prinz Law Office Announces the Launch of New Services Offerings Effective August 1, 2024
- Kristie Prinz to Speak on Negotiating SaaS Contracts in an Uncertain Economy
- What are the Software Contracting Lessons to be Learned from Today’s Worldwide Technology Disruption?
- Introduction to Software and SaaS Lawyer Kristie Prinz
- Should Your Company Rethink its Software Subscription?
- FTC Proposes “Click to Cancel” Rule Provision for Recurring Subscriptions and Memberships
- FTC Files Lawsuit Against Adobe over Annual Paid Monthly Subscription Software Model
- California Considers Adoption of SB1047, Safe and Secure Innovation for Frontier Artificial Intelligence Models Act
- The Prinz Law Office Announces Launch of New Subscription Plans
- New California Law to Mandate Release of VC Investment Diversity Information
- Silicon Valley Arbitration and Mediation Center Publishes Guidelines on Use of Artificial Intelligence in Arbitration
- Talk with an Expert Series: Beau Fernald Shares Software Implementation Best Practices
- FTC Announces Settlement with Twitter Over Deceptive Use of Account Security Data
- Arbitration vs. Litigation: Which is Better for a SaaS Contract?
- Introduction to Silicon Valley Software Law Blog
- Introductory Digital Health Contracts Workshop for Lawyers
- Introduction to Software Contracts Workshop for Lawyers
- Intro to Digital Health Contracts for Non-Lawyers
- Intro to Software Contracts for Non-Lawyers
- Introduction to Negotiating and Drafting SaaS Contracts
- SaaS Lawyer Kristie Prinz to Present on Negotiating Digital Health Contracts
- Can software be subject to FDA regulation?
- Silicon Valley SaaS Lawyer Kristie Prinz’s Webinar on “Best Practices for Drafting and Negotiating SaaS Contracts” Now Available
- Silicon Valley SaaS Lawyer Kristie Prinz to Speak on “Best Practices for Drafting & Negotiating SaaS Contracts”
- Why “SaaS Agreements” are not “SaaS Licenses”
- The Prinz Law Office Adopts New Fixed & Subscription Billing Options
- Negotiating Consulting Services Agreements in an Uncertain Economy
- Introduction to Negotiating & Drafting SaaS Agreements
- Best Practices for Negotiating SaaS Agreements in an Uncertain Economy
- Silicon Valley Software Law Blog’s Kristie Prinz to Present Webinar on “Introduction to Negotiating & Drafting SaaS Agreements”
- Silicon Valley Software Law Blog’s Kristie Prinz to Present Webinar on “Best Practices for Negotiating SaaS Agreements in an Uncertain Economy”
- Best Practices for Negotiating SaaS Agreements in an Uncertain Economy
- The Intersection of Technology and Legal Practice: Addressing Current Technology Issues without Allowing Them to Overwhelm Your Practice
- Best Practices for Negotiating Development Agreements in an Uncertain Economy
- Accessing Coronavirus Disaster Aid to Sustain Your Software Company Through the Crisis
- Best Practices for Negotiating Master Services Agreements in an Uncertain Economy
- Best Practices for Negotiating SaaS Contracts & Managing SaaS Customer Relationships
- Force Majeure and the Coronavirus Pandemic: What Does Your Software Company Need to Know?
- Practice Tips for Renegotiating Contracts due to Coronavirus Uncertainty and Changed Business Conditions
- Capitalizing on SaaS Sales Opportunities During the Coronavirus Crisis Without Creating New Legal Risks
- Silicon Valley Software Law Blog’s Kristie Prinz to Present Series of Webinars On Negotiating in Uncertain Times
- Silicon Valley Software Law Blog’s Kristie Prinz to Present on “The Intersection of Law & Technology: Addressing Current Technology Issues without allowing them to Overwhelm Your Practice”
- Silicon Valley Software Law Blog’s Kristie Prinz to Present on “Negotiating SaaS Contracts & Managing Customer Relationships”
- Silicon Valley Software Law Blog’s Kristie Prinz to Speak on “Negotiating SaaS Agreements” for Clear Law Institute
- The Prinz Law Office Announces New Alternative Billing Options for 2020
- Last Minute Tips for Procrastinators: What Your Company Needs to Know about the January 1, 2020 Effective Date of the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”)
- Legal Developments Impacting the Software Industry 2019
- California Passes New Data Broker Law In Anticipation of January 1, 2020 Effective Date of California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”)
- Silicon Valley Software Law Blog Author Kristie Prinz to Present Upcoming Webinar on “Legal Developments Impacting the Software Industry 2019”
- California Finalizes California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) In Anticipation of January 1st, 2020 Effective Date
- Best Practices for Negotiating SaaS Contracts & Managing SaaS Customer Relationships
- Silicon Valley Software Blog Law’s Kristie Prinz to Present Webinar on “Best Practices for Negotiating SaaS Contracts”
- Is a Company Liable for Software Defects, when a Vulnerability is Discovered but Not Exploited? A Recent Cisco Settlement Suggests Liability May Be Assessed
- Can Your Company Be Sued Over a Software Update? Tesla Suit Signals New Trend in Class Action Suits
- Private Coalition of Health Insurers and Major Tech Companies Announce New Standard for Claims Data Sharing
- Software Industry Concerned About the Potential Impact of AB-5 on Gig Economy
- Facebook Agrees to Record $5 Billion Settlement with FTC on Privacy Practices
- Should Law Enforcement Agencies’ Use of Facial Recognition Software Be Subject to Regulation?
- Silicon Valley Software Law Blog’s Kristie Prinz to Speak on Upcoming Webinar on SaaS Contracts
- Silicon Valley Software Law Blog’s Kristie Prinz to Present Upcoming Webinar on Software Hosting Agreements
- FTC Puts Software Companies and Service Providers on Notice of Broad Enforcement Powers Under Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act Safeguards Rule
- FTC Sends Warning to IoT Companies on the Importance of Secure Software Development with Enforcement Action Against D-Link
- Developers File Suit Against Apple for App Store Practices Following Recent Decision by U.S. Supreme Court
- Supreme Court Rules Against Apple in Antitrust Case to Determine if App Store is Monopoly
- The Prinz Law Office Announces Opening of New San Francisco Office
- Best Practices for Drafting Master Service Agreements & Managing the Service Relationship
- Best Practices for Drafting SaaS Contracts
- Silicon Valley Software Law Blog’s Kristie Prinz to Speak on “Best Practices for Drafting Master Service Agreements & Managing the Service Relationship”
- Silicon Valley Software Law’s Kristie Prinz to Speak on “Best Practices for Drafting SaaS Contracts & Managing SaaS Customer Relationships”
SaaS Lawyer Kristie Prinz's article titled "Managing the Legal Risks of Artificial Intelligence on Intellectual Property and Confidential Information" has just been published online by the American Psychological Association's Consulting Psychology Journal. Digital access is available for purchase at this...
Software Lawyer Kristie Prinz Explains in this video recorded 1.22.25 why failure to address implementation in SaaS contracts is common cause of disputes.
The Federal Trade Commission ("FTC") has just announced the final version of its "Click to Cancel" Rule for consumer subscriptions and memberships. The Rule will go into effect 180 days after it is published with the Federal Register. Full Text...
California has just adopted a new law that will apply to consumer subscriptions, along with memberships and other autorenewing or continuous service arrangements with consumers. AB 2863 amends California's existing autorenewal law to add additional protections for consumers with respect...
I am pleased to announce that I am a new ProVisors home group leader in the Silicon Valley Region. I will be leading a new Silicon Valley Virtual 1 Group, which will be an all-virtual home group for service providers...
The Silicon Valley Software Law Blog's Kristie Prinz of The Prinz Law Office will be speaking at an upcoming one-day Practicing Law Institute Program to be held on October 9, 2024 at the PLI headquarters in San Francisco, California. Kristie...
Software Lawyer Kristie Prinz introduced The Prinz Law Office in this video recorded 8.20.24
Kristie Prinz explains why to review key customer contracts in a sluggish economy in this video recorded 8.16.24
SaaS Lawyer Kristie Prinz Explains in this recording from 2022 why not to use the term "SaaS License."
It has become increasingly clear over the past few months that businesses are in a cost-cutting mode, as the economy has become more and more sluggish. While your software company is likely focusing on its own cost-cutting...
The Prinz Law Office is pleased to announce that Silicon Valley Software Law Blog's Kristie Prinz has been selected to the 2024 Super Lawyers Northern California list. Each year, no more than five percent of the lawyers in the state...
The Prinz Law Office has recently announced the launch of three new service offerings to our clients, which were effective August 1, 2024. First, we have made available a new fractional counsel services plan for those of our clients seeking...
This video was recorded by Kristie Prinz on 7.19.24 about the lessons to be learned from the Crowdstrike technology disruption.
This introduction was recorded by Kristie Prinz on 7.9.24 to introduce viewers to her background and experience.
Patrick Reilly’s interview of Kristie Prinz on technology licensing filmed in 2009.
Silicon Valley Software Lawyer Kristie Prinz addressed in this video the FTC's recent action against a software company over its annual pay monthly software subscription.
The FTC recently proposed that its "Negative Option Rule" be updated to reflect a new "Click to Cancel" provision, which would protect consumers from being forced to pay for unwanted subscriptions and memberships. A copy of the FTC notice of...
Consumer-facing SaaS and software companies are on notice by the FTC that their subscription billing practices are under scrutiny. The FTC has just filed a lawsuit against Adobe over its "Annual Paid Monthly" subscription model, which the FTC says in...
California is on the verge of adopting a controversial bill that would impose unprecedented new regulations on the development of AI: SB 1047: Safe and Secure Innovation for Frontier Artificial Intelligence Models Act. A full copy of the bill has...
The Prinz Law Office is pleased to announce the launch of a new subscription plan, which is intended to simplify the process of working with a lawyer for companies as well as individuals. The firm’s subscription plans have been been...
Updated 6.21.24 Governor Newsom has just signed SB 54, which will require venture capital firms in the state of California to annually report the diversity of founders they are backing. According to Tech Crunch’s reporting, SB 54 will result in amendments to...
The Silicon Valley Arbitration and Mediation Center has published for public comment a first draft of "Guidelines on the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Arbitration." The proposed guidelines were drafted by the Center's AI Task Force Guidelines Drafting Subcommittee and...
Silicon Valley Software Law Blog's Kristie Prinz recently sat down for an interview with Beau Fernald, Fractional COO and Principal of Aware Insights LLC to discuss the topic of software implementation. As we have discussed in prior blogposts,...
I am excited to announce that my firm is adopting a number of new options for working with our clients. We received feedback asking for new fixed rate and subscription packages for specific business scenarios, and in response to that...
The Federal and Trade Commission (“FTC”) announced today a settlement with Twitter, Inc. (“Twitter”) in which Twitter agreed to pay $150 million for its alleged misuse of user account security data, specifically email addresses and phone numbers, for advertising purposes. ...
Updated June 12, 2024 I was recently asked by a client whether arbitration or litigation in a SaaS contract was better. The issue had been raised by an attorney on the other side of the SaaS contract negotiation, who had...
If you work in the software industry, you may be surprised to discover that digital health software products may be subject to regulation by the Food and Drug Administration ("FDA"). Some software is considered a software as a medical device...
If you missed the recent webinar by Silicon Valley SaaS Lawyer Kristie Prinz on "Best Practices for Negotiating and Drafting SaaS Contracts," a recording of the program is now available on demand for viewing. To view the program, please visit...
Silicon Valley Software Law Blog Author and SaaS Lawyer Kristie Prinz will be presenting a webinar on "Best Practices for Drafting & Negotiating SaaS Contracts" on Friday, November 19, 2021 at 10 a.m. PST. To attend, please register at the...
Updated 6. 11. 24 Have you ever heard the term "SaaS license" or "SaaS Licensing" being used among lawyers and businesspeople? There is a misconception that there is such a concept as a "SaaS license." However, in...
Silicon Valley Software Law Blog's Kristie Prinz will present a webinar on "Introduction to Negotiating & Drafting SaaS Agreements" on December 14, 2020 at 10 a.m. PST. To learn more about the program or to register, please click here.
Silicon Valley Software Law Blog's Kristie Prinz will be presenting a webinar on "Best Practices for Negotiating SaaS Agreements in an Uncertain Economy" on December 8, 2020 at 10 a.m. PST. For more information on the program or to register,...
If your software company is like most U.S. businesses, it has been severely impacted by the ongoing coronavirus crisis and the stay-at-home orders that have been mandated across the country. Legislation was recently passed by Congress and signed into law...
If you are on a law firm mailing list, it is likely that you have seen emails or alerts in the last few weeks that discuss the concept of "force majeure." Why has the concept of force majeure suddenly become...
If your software company is like many, you are probably already contemplating the renegotiation of certain contracts due to the uncertainty and changed business conditions arising from the coronavirus pandemic. However, the renegotiation of contracts will inevitably open your software...
Although many businesses are concerned about the potential economic fallout of recent shelter-in-place orders in Silicon Valley as well as more limited office and business closings across the United States, the coronavirus crisis is presenting a unique sales opportunity to...
The Silicon Valley Software Law Blog's Kristie Prinz will be presenting a series of webinars on negotiating in a very uncertain economy, sharing practice tips developed and lessons learned from the last recession. I will be kicking off the series...
Silicon Valley Software Law Blog's Kristie Prinz will present a webinar on "The Intersection of Law & Technology: Addressing Current Technology Issues without Allowing them to Overwhelm your Practice" on April 17, 2020 at 10 a.m PST/ 1 a.m. EST. ...
Silicon Valley Software Law Blog's Kristie Prinz will be presenting on "Negotiating SaaS Contracts & Managing Customer Relationships" on March 31st, 2020 at 10 a.m. PST/ 1 p.m. EST in a webinar sponsored by The Prinz Law Office. To attend,...
Silicon Valley Software Law Blog's Kristie Prinz will be presenting on "Negotiating SaaS Agreements: Drafting Key Contract Provisions, Protecting Customer and Vendor Interests" for Clear Law Institute on March 23, 2020 at 10 a.m. PT/1 p.m. ET.
The Prinz Law Office is pleased to announce its new alternative billing options for 2020. As of the New Year, the firm has dramatically increased its alternative billing options so that clients will have a lot more choices for standard...
If your company is like many, you have known about the upcoming effective date of the California Consumer Privacy Act ("CCPA"), but are still making last minute preparations in advance of it going into effect. If you are one of...
Updated 6.21.24 Software companies in the business of brokering data are on notice: the state of California intends to keep you on a tight leash. In anticipation of the January 1, 2020 effective date of the California Consumer Privacy Act...
Silicon Valley Software Law Blog Author Kristie Prinz will present an upcoming webinar on November 21, 2019 on "Legal Developments Impacting the Software Industry." The event will be hosted by The Prinz Law Office and will explore what software companies...
Updated 6.26.24 In anticipation of the California Consumer Privacy Act ("CCPA") going into effect on January 1, 2020, California Governor Gavin Newsom has just signed into law seven amendments to the statute, and the California Department of Justice published the...
Silicon Valley Software Law Blog’s Kristie Prinz will be presenting a webinar on “Best Practices for Negotiating SaaS Contracts & Managing SaaS Customer Relationships” on October 8, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. PST/ 1 p.m. EST. The webinar will address the...
If you are in the software business, you likely recognize that you can be sued for materially breaching contracts, infringing third party IP, and data breaches but you may not realize the extent of your liability just for making the...
When your company releases its next software update, you may want to consider the potential legal implications of the release. There seems to be a new trend in class action litigation: suits over software updates. As Reuters first reported, an...
The CARIN Alliance, which is a coalition of companies from the health and tech industries, has just announced the release of a new standard for sharing health claims data in conjunction with the Blue Button Developers Conference. The announcement is...
The Software Industry is closely following legislation in California that, if passed, could have a huge impact on Gig workers and the software companies that rely on them. The legislation at issue is AB 5, which would codify and expand...
Multiple media outlets are reporting today that the Federal Trade Commission has agreed to settle its case against Facebook on its privacy practices for $5 Billion. The Wall Street Journal reports that the vote by FTC commissioners was 3-2 in...
As The New York Times and The Washington Post recently reported, facial recognition software is being heavily utilized by government agencies, who are using the software to search state driver's license databases, despite the fact that most of the photos in...
Silicon Valley Software Law Blog's Kristie Prinz will be presenting an upcoming web on "Negotiating SaaS Agreements: Drafting Key Contract Provisions, Protecting Customer and Vendor Interests" on August 9, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. PST/1:00 p.m PST for Virginia-based Clear Law...
Silicon Valley Software Law Blog's Kristie Prinz will be presenting a webinar on July 25, 2019 for CLE provider Strafford a webinar titled "Drafting Software Hosting Agreements: Service Availability, Performance, Data Security, Other Key Provisions." Ms. Prinz's co-presenter will be...
The Federal Trade Commission ("FTC") has put software companies and software service providers on notice it intends to interpret the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act's Safeguards Rule broadly to apply to businesses which make available software or services that serve financial, payroll, and...
Internet of Things ("IoT") companies are on notice: the FTC is concerned about the the security of software installed to IoT and smart home products and is prepared to take enforcement action against companies to ensure that consumers are protected....
Two app developers have filed suit against Apple, Inc. over its App Store practices, following the recent decision by the U.S. Supreme Court in favor of consumers allowing a class action suit on similar issues to proceed. The case was...
The Supreme Court has ruled against Apple in an antitrust case claiming that the App store has created a monopoly over the sale of apps and has used the monopoly to charge consumers higher than the majority price. Justice Kavanaugh...
The Prinz Law Office, which publishes the Silicon Valley Software Law Blog, has announced the opening of its new San Francisco Bay Area location in San Francisco. The new location will enable the firm to better serve clients in the...
Silicon Valley Software Law Blog's Kristie Prinz will be presenting a webinar on "Best Practices for Drafting Master Service Agreements & Managing the Service Relationship" on Friday, March 8th at 10 a.m. PST/1 p.m. EST. The Prinz Law Office will...
Silicon Valley Software Law Blog's Kristie Prinz will be presenting a webinar on "Best Practices for Drafting SaaS Contracts & Managing SaaS Customer Relationships" on February 19, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. PST/ 1 p.m. EST. The Prinz Law Office is...
The Prinz Law Office, which publishes the Silicon Valley Software Law Blog, has announced the opening of its new Silicon Valley location in Palo Alto. The new location will enable the firm to better serve clients throughout the San Francisco...
Legal commentators have been raising alarms about the significant potential impact of The Foreign Investment Risk Modernization Act of 2018 ("FIRRMA"), since the legislation was signed into law in August, 2018. In case you are unfamiliar with FIRRMA, the legislation...
The software industry is raising concerns about the potential consequences of Australia's recent passage of legislation to provide law enforcement with expansive new powers to compel the disclosure of encrypted data. According to ITPro, the "Telecommunications and Other Legislation Amendment...
Silicon Valley Software Law Blog's Kristie Prinz will present a webinar on "Negotiating SaaS Agreements: Drafting Key Contract Provisions, Protecting Customer and Vendor Interests" for Virginia-based Clear Law Institute on February 8, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. PST/ 1:00 p.m. EST. ...
If your company has either pursued Privacy Shield certification, or publicly claimed to be in pursuit of Privacy Shield certification, recent enforcement action by the Federal Trade Commission ("FTC") should put your company on notice that failure to maintain your...
Tech Crunch and Forbes recently reported on a problem plaguing the App Store: unethical subscription practices. According to Tech Crunch, commonly utilized unethical practices include as follows: that the apps are too aggressive in obtaining subscriptions; that the apps offer little...
The State of California has just agreed to delay the enforcement of S. B. 822, also known as the California Internet Consumer Protection and Net Neutrality Act of 2018, until litigation is decided regarding whether the FCC can preempt state...
If your company is like most, you postpone the procurement of insurance policies until you absolutely have to obtain them, expecting to be able to obtain whatever you need on demand. However, if your company is in the software space...
Governor Jerry Brown has signed into law S.B. 822, also known as the California Internet Consumer Protection and Net Neutrality Act of 2018. The law is intended to go into effect on January 1, 2019 and, according to CNN, will ...
If your company has just landed a big development project for a third party, do not underestimate the importance of the agreement in protecting the revenue stream you are being offered in exchange for your development services. The typical development...
Silicon Valley Software Law Blog Sponsor, The Prinz Law Office, has announced today the launch of a new option for clients: the "subscription model" billing model. The firm will initially be offering daily and half-daily subscription models. The model is...
Updated 6.21.24 I was recently asked for a list of the top mistakes the average company will make when they enter into a software deal without getting an experienced software lawyer involved early in the negotiations. I thought it was...
USA Today is reporting that multiple technology and telecommunication companies are lobbying Congress to pass federal privacy legislation that would pre-empt the new privacy law recently passed in California which grants sweeping protections to consumers. In particular, USA Today reports...
Silicon Valley Software Law Blog Author Kristie Prinz will be presenting a webinar on "Negotiating SaaS Agreements: Drafting Key Contract Provisions, Protecting Customer and Vendor Interests" for Clear Law Institute on 10/26/18 at 10:00 a.m. PST. Clear Law Institute is...
Updated on 6.21.24 If your company is a SaaS business, you may come across a customer or prospective business partner who insists on the inclusion of a source code escrow agreement as part of the deal terms. If this scenario...
After spending months preparing to comply with the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR"), software companies now have a new U.S. data privacy law to be concerned with. California has just passed a landmark data privacy law of its...
If your software company is relying on so-called "Gig workers" to provide a service managed by your app and software platform, then you need to know about a California Supreme Court ruling just issued this week, which is likely to...
The California legislature is considering a bill that would restore net neutrality on a state-wide level when the FCC repeal of net neutrality takes effect next week. The California net neutrality bill, SB 822, was written by State Senator Scott...
If your software company has pursued Privacy Shield certification or is contemplating pursuit of certification, then you should know that an Irish Court has referred a case to the Court of Justice of the European Union, which could potentially invalidate...
I recently presented for myLawCLE on the topic of drafting software hosting agreements. I am pleased to now be able to share a recording of the full, two-hour presentation with interested Software Law Blog readers:
Silicon Valley Software Law Blog Author Kristie Prinz will be presenting a webinar on "Negotiating SaaS Agreements: Drafting Key Contract Provisions, Protecting Customer and Vendor Interests" on June 11, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. The program will be sponsored by Virginia-based...
If your business is in the software industry and you are doing any business in Europe, you should be aware of the EU General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR"), as it will apply to your business when it goes into effect...
I was recently asked how to recognize that a software contract is poorly written. Upon consideration, I've come up with six signs to watch for in order to identify a poorly written software contract. In my experience, the first sign...
Silicon Valley Software Law Blog's Kristie Prinz will be featured as a speaker on “Negotiating SaaS Agreements: Drafting Key Contract Provisions, Protecting Customer and Vendor Interests” for a webinar hosted by Arlington, Virginia-based Clear Law Institute on Wednesday, February 21,...
Silicon Valley Software Law Blog's Kristie Prinz will be featured as a speaker for the webinar “Drafting Software Hosting Agreements: Service Availability, Performance, Data Security, Other Key Provisions” for the Atlanta, Georgia-based Strafford on January 23, 2018. The firm has...
Silicon Valley Software Law Blog's Kristie Prinz will be presenting a webinar on "Negotiating Software As a Service Contracts" for Clear Law Institute on Wednesday, January 17th from 10-11:15 a.m. PST. The Prinz Law Office has published a press release...
SaaS attorney Kristie Prinz will be speaking at a webinar on "Best Practices for Drafting SaaS Contracts that Reduce the Customer Sales Cycle & Avoid Disputes" sponsored by The Prinz Law Office. The event will take place on October 26,...
Silicon Valley Software Lawyer Kristie Prinz will be featured as a speaker for the webinar “Negotiating Software as a Service Contracts” for the Arlington, Virginia-based Clear Law Institute on Tuesday, September 12th from 12-1:15 p.m. PST. Clear Law Institute is...
Silicon Valley Software Law Blog Author Kristie Prinz will be co-presenting a webinar on “Negotiating SaaS Agreements: Drafting Key Contract Provisions, Protecting Customer and Vendor Interests” with Kelley Miller of Reed Smith on August 8, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. PST/1:00...
Democratic Senator Brain Schatz of Hawaii and Republican Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin have introduced the "Protecting Our Ability to Counter Hacking Act of 2017," also known as the "PATCH Act of 2017" in the U.S. Senate Homeland Security and...
In light of the popularity of the SaaS model of doing business, it is not uncommon to come across deals in which one software company is buying a third party company's SaaS assets. While there are many reasons to be...
The Department of Justice has launched an investigation into Uber's use of the "Greyball" software program, following recent reports about the company's use of this software to evade local law enforcement officials and regulators in new markets where the service...
Updated 6.21.24 When a client sends me a software license agreement or SaaS agreement to review or update, I always make a priority of reviewing any terms in the contract involving fees and then carefully reviewing the website and any...
My firm is very involved with VC Taskforce, and our big spring event is coming up this Thursday: StartUp World 2017. The event is being held this year at Pillsbury in Palo Alto, and we are pleased to have more...
If your software company is like most software companies these days, you likely set up a software interface and train your customers on how to use the product at the very beginning of the relationship. You probably even charge some...
If your software business makes available an app in the Apple App Store, then you will want to make note of several business changes that Apple has just recently announced. The first change is that Apple has reduced the App...
If you are a software developer and you develop code that hackers then use to commit crimes, then you may be a risk for criminal prosecution, as an Arkansas developer named Taylor Huddleston recently discovered according to an article published...
Updated 6.21.24 If you are in the software industry, you may have heard of a "service level agreement" or "SLA," but do you really understand what a "service level agreement" actually is or when you might need one? What is...
When SaaS companies and start-ups first contact me, they are often doing so with the idea that there are a few really well SaaS template contracts circulating in the SaaS industry and they seeking the" right" attorney to provide that...
If your software company is like most, you have probably spent little or no time contemplating what needs to be in your company's privacy policy. In fact, what your company is currently calling its privacy policy was likely copied from...
The average sales contract being signed by a SaaS company has nothing to do with the technology being sold and fails to include all of the key contract terms that need to be in a SaaS contract. Thus, not only...
I have some remaining complimentary passes available for tomorrow's panel presentation on "Negotiating Service Level Agreement Key Terms" hosted by Strafford Publications. If you would like to attend, please send me a request today at kp****@pr************.com and I'll see if I...
Bitmanagement Software GmbH recently filed suit against the US Navy, alleging willful copyright infringement of its 3D virtual reality software "BS Contact Geo" and demanding $600 million in damages. A copy of the complaint has been posted by Business Insider...
If you are a cloud service provider or a software provider who offers maintenance services to enterprise-level companies, then your company has likely had occasion to negotiate indemnification clauses relating to data breaches. Moreover, your company has probably had to...
The Prinz Law Office is pleased to announce that Silicon Valley Software Law Blog's Kristie Prinz will be speaking at an upcoming webinar on "Negotiating Service Level Agreement Key Terms" on December 21, 2016 from 10 a.m. to 11:30 PST....
The Prinz Law Office is pleased to announce that Silicon Valley Software Law Blog's Kristie Prinz will be speaking at an upcoming webinar "Negotiating Software as a Service Contracts" on December 19, 2016 from 1 to 2:15 p.m. EST. For...
HP reopened a new front in the controversy between the printer hardware business and digital rights management software when it reportedly downloaded digital rights management software to customer printers as a recent security update. Fortune reported that HP's actions were...
The Federal Trade Commission has today announced the approval of its final order resolving its complaint against the San Francisco-based software company Vulcan on deceptive and misleading conduct allegations that Vulcan had purchased a browser extension game and replaced it...
Are your SaaS customers really signing an agreement that is effective for your business? How do you even know if your SaaS company is working with a customer agreement that is sufficiently protecting your business? The Silicon Valley Software Law...
If your software company leases office spaces, then you may have some familiarity with the legal issues involving whether or not the space is compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (the "ADA"), but have you ever considered whether your...
Microsoft has just opened a new chapter in the software industry's pushback against alleged federal government overreach by filing a constitutional challenge over indefinite government gag orders when the government subpoenas information from customer cloud accounts. Microsoft's complaint alleges that...
The U.S. Justice Department announced yesterday that the third party who came forward and convinced the FBI that it could unlock the San Bernardino terrorist's encrypted iPhone successfully unlocked the encrypted iPhone, ending the standoff between Apple and the FBI. ...
Silicon Valley Software Law Blog author Kristie Prinz has been invited to present a webinar on "Negotiating Software as a Service Contracts" for Clear Law Institute on May 6, 2016 at 10 a.m. PST/1 p.m. EST. For more information on...
The government has asked to postpone its scheduled hearing against Apple tomorrow, according to breaking news reports by Fox News and the Associated Press as well as The New York Times. It is reported that "an outside party" has identified...
The Justice Department set off a huge public debate earlier this year when it sought court intervention to force Apple to assist law enforcement in unlocking an iPhone that belonged to one of the San Bernardino terrorists, and the issue...
The Federal Trade Commission's pursuit of Lumos Labs over advertising claims made about its Luminosity brain training software programs has sent a clear cautionary signal to the health software industry that the FTC intends to exercise regulatory authority over advertising...
The Prinz Law Office has just launched a new meetup group on Copyright, Software, Internet & Social Media and the Law in conjunction with the High Tech Section of the Santa Clara County Bar Association. The firm anticipates having remote...
In the event you missed the program featuring co-presenters Silicon Valley Software Law Blog's Kristie Prinz and Reed Smith's Kelley Miller and produced by Stafford Publications in September, 2015, the webinar is available now for viewing by our blog readers at the following link: View...
Silicon Valley Software Law Blog Author Kristie Prinz will be featured as a speaker for the webinar “Negotiating Software as a Service Contracts” for the Arlington, Virginia-based Clear Law Institute on Monday, November 2nd at 10 a.m. PST/1 p.m. EDT. ...
The Silicon Valley Software Law Blog's Kristie Prinz will be a featured speaker at the upcoming CLE program "Negotiating Software as a Service Contracts" on Tuesday, September 8th from 1:00 p.m.-2:30 p.m. EDT. For more information on the upcoming program,...
As I posted yesterday to my blog at Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog, the U.S. Supreme Court has just issued an opinion in the Commil vs. Cisco Systems case, leaving the software industry to consider how the ruling will...
Privacy groups are raising alarms in response to the Senate Intelligence Committee's Introduction of a new cybersecurity bill: the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act of 2015 ("CISA"). The text of the current bill has been made available for viewing at this...
As a software attorney advising SaaS companies in contract negotiations, I am frequently asked for advice on negotiating indemnification clauses. While clients all have different risk tolerances when it comes to the issue of indemnification, it is always challenging to...
The Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") adopted new rules today on the issue of net neutrality, affirming the government's right to increase its regulatory powers over the Internet. In a press release issued to announce the new rules, the FCC identified...
As a software company, do you make a special point of sending all your price schedules, payment terms, and price-related clauses to software counsel for review before you send them out the door to your potential customer? If your company...
Updated 6.11.24 When I am first retained by a software company, I inevitably have a conversation with my contact at the company about their technology model: what is your technology model: "SaaS" or "software license"? Nine times out of ten...
Updated 6.25.24 There seems to be a common universal belief among many companies that there is a single form agreement circulating among software lawyers with the perfect terms that can just be cut and pasted into their agreements if they...
The Wall Street Journal reported this week that apps on the market overall are not providing users with even basic privacy protections. The report focused on research conducted by the Global Privacy Enforcement Network, which is a coalition of privacy...
The big story on the Internet today is about the new app-based ride service Uber: California regulators have just notified Uber and its competitors, Lyft and Sidecar, that the services are illegal under California law. An article by Forbes Contributor...
California has just enacted a smartphone kill switch law, which will require all smartphones sold in the state of California as of July, 2015, to have kill switch features enabled as the default settings on the smartphone. SB 962 requires...
California has just added a new type of clause to the list of clauses that violate public policy in the state: the non-disparagement clause. Governor Jerry Brown has just signed AB 2365, which prohibits companies from including nondisparagement clauses in...
The Federal Trade Commission has announced that Google has agreed to refund customers' unauthorized in-app purchases made by their children in the Google Play Store pursuant to a settlement over a complaint filed by the Commission alleging violations of Section...
The U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland has awarded damages in excess of $163 million in a FTC case against a "scareware" software company, Innovative Marketing, Inc. and its founders. The FTC alleged violations of Sections 5(a) and...
Updated 6.25.24 The FTC has just announced proposed changes to its existing rules protecting children's online privacy and is currently accepting public comment to the proposed rules through September 10, 2012. The proposed changes would amend the Children's Online Privacy...
President Obama yesterday unveiled his new consumer privacy initiative, as was announced on the White House website. To view the full text of the initiative, click here. The purpose of the initiative is to urge Congress to adopt a Consumer...
Now that SOPA and its companion bill PIPA have been tabled thanks in no small part to the statement made by the online community in organizing the SOPA blackout, the focus shifts to the Online Protection and Enforcement of the...
A number of prominent websites have organized an anti-SOPA protest tomorrow, and are set to blackout for the day. A blackout instructions website has been set up to advise Internet website owners on what to make your website go dark...
Companies distributing applications on the Apple App store should take note: multiple companies today have stopped selling content from their applications sold on the Apple App store, suggesting that Apple is taking steps to enforce its new rules to collect...
Silicon Valley entrepreneurs have a tendency to want to offer equity to anyone who they hire when they are first getting off the ground, and some developers prefer to receive equity in the business over an IOU that they may...
Disputes over development projects are extremely common in even the best of economies, but are particularly common in today's world, where most companies are on a tight budget and developers are always on the lookout for better paying opportunities. In...
I receive a call nearly every day from an entrepreneur who has a great idea for a new software start-up company, and is concerned about how to protect that idea before he or she is able to launch it. Unfortunately,...
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Blog Author: Kristie Prinz
Read MoreKristie D. Prinz
Rated by Super Lawyers
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Coming soon!
- Best Practices for Negotiating and Drafting SaaS Contracts (November 2021)
- Negotiating SaaS Contracts & Managing Customer Relationships (March 2020)
- Best Practices for Negotiating SaaS Contracts (Oct. 2019)
- Best Practices for Drafting MSAs (2019)
- Legal Developments in Software Industry (2019)
- Best Practices for Drafting SaaS Contracts (October. 2017)
- Best Practices for Drafting SaaS Contracts that Reduce the Sales Cycle & Avoid Disputes (March 2017)
- What You Need to Know About Nondisclosure Agreements (2009)
- What Every Small Business Needs to Know About IP (2009)
- Leveraging an IP Portfolio (2009)
- What Companies Should Know About Business Blogging (Sept. 2009)
- Social and Professional Online Networking (2009)
- Developments and Trends in Blog Law (2009)
- How to Protect Against the Risks of Workers Going Online (2008)
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- Video
- Software Licensing vs. Software-as-a-Service…
- What SaaS Companies Need to Know About Source Code…
- Why “SaaS Agreements” are not…
- Service Level Agreements: What is a Service-Level…
- California Enacts New Law to Apply to Consumer Subscriptions
- Arbitration vs. Litigation: Which is Better for a…
- Negotiating the Purchase of SaaS Company Assets: Key…
- What Software Companies Need to Know about the EU…
- FTC Puts Software Companies and Service Providers on…
- Can software be subject to FDA regulation?
- Apple Signals New Enforcement Strategy to Companies…
- Websites Set to Observe SOPA Blackout Day
- Introduction to Silicon Valley Software Law Blog
- Recent Software Class Actions Provide Valuable…
- Does Your Customer Software License or SaaS…
- Investigation Reportedly Launched by Department of…
- Digital Rights Management Software and the Printer…
- Silicon Valley Arbitration and Mediation Center…
- California Finalizes California Consumer Privacy Act…
- Talk with an Expert Series: Beau Fernald Shares…
- New California Law to Mandate Release of VC…
- California Considers Adoption of SB1047, Safe and…
- California Passes New Data Broker Law In…
- Facebook Agrees to Record $5 Billion Settlement with…
- Recent FTC Enforcement Action Should Serve as…
- FTC Proposes “Click to Cancel” Rule…
- Recent FTC Enforcement Actions Should Serve as…
- In Aftermath of GDPR, California Passes Consumer…
- FTC Files Lawsuit Against Adobe over Annual Paid…
- Careful Drafting of Pricing Terms is Key to all…
- FTC Announces Settlement with Twitter Over Deceptive…
- Is the OPEN Act a More Viable Alternative to SOPA?
- Common Software Agreement Fee Drafting Problems and…
- Irish Court Has Referred Case to European Court…
- Microsoft Launches New Constitutional Challenge…
- Intro to Software Contracts for Non-Lawyers
- Introduction to Software Contracts Workshop for Lawyers
- Supreme Court Rules Against Apple in Antitrust Case…
- Silicon Valley SaaS Lawyer Kristie Prinz’s…
- Technology and Telecommunication Companies Lobby…
- Should Your Software Company Be Concerned about…
- Accessing Coronavirus Disaster Aid to Sustain Your…
- Introduction to Negotiating and Drafting SaaS Contracts
- Silicon Valley SaaS Lawyer Kristie Prinz to Speak on…
- SaaS Lawyer Kristie Prinz to Present on Negotiating…
- Software Industry Warns of Fallout from…
- Is a Company Liable for Software Defects, when a…
- Silicon Valley Software Law Blog’s Kristie…
- California to Consider Bill that Restores Net Neutrality
- Force Majeure and the Coronavirus Pandemic: What…
- Digital Health Lawyer Kristie Prinz authors Article on Artificial Intelligence (“AI”)
- Failure to Address Implementation in Digital Health Contracts Leads to Disputes
- FTC Announces Final “Click to Cancel” Rule for Subscriptions, Memberships
- California Adopts “Click to Cancel” Law to Regulate Consumer Subscriptions
- Kristie Prinz to Lead New Silicon Valley Group in ProVisors
- Kristie Prinz to Speak at Practicing Law Institute Program
- Digital Health Lawyer Kristie Prinz introduces The Prinz Law Office
- Kristie Prinz Explains Why Companies Should Review Key Customer Contracts in a Sluggish Economy
- Digital Health Law Blog Kristie Prinz Introduces Self
- SaaS Contracts Lawyer Kristie Prinz authors article on “Managing the Legal Risks of Artificial Intelligence”
- Kristie Prinz to Speak on “Negotiating SaaS Agreements”
- SaaS Companies Must Comply with New FTC “Click to Cancel” Rule
- SaaS Companies Must Comply with California Subscription Law
- Kristie Prinz to Lead New Silicon Valley Group in ProVisors
- Kristie Prinz Introduces The Prinz Law Office
- SaaS Contracts Lawyer Kristie Prinz Speaks on Why to Audit Key Customer Contracts in a Sluggish Economy
- SaaS Contracts Lawyer Kristie Prinz Speaks on Why Not to Use the Term “SaaS License”
- Will Customer Cost-Cutting Affect Your SaaS Company?
- SaaS Contracts Lawyer Kristie Prinz Selected as 2024 Super Lawyer California