- SaaS Lawyer Kristie Prinz authors article on “Managing the Legal Risks of Artificial Intelligence (“AI”)”
- Failure to Address Implementation in SaaS Contracts Leads to Disputes
- FTC Announces Final “Click to Cancel” Rule for Consumer Subscriptions and Memberships
- California Enacts New Law to Apply to Consumer Subscriptions
- Kristie Prinz to Lead New Silicon Valley Home Group in ProVisors
- Kristie Prinz to Speak at Upcoming Practicing Law Institute Program
- Software Lawyer Kristie Prinz Introduces The Prinz Law Office
- Kristie Prinz Explains Why to Review Your Key Customer Contracts in a Sluggish Economy
- Kristie Prinz Explains Why Not to Use the Term “SaaS License”
- Revisiting Your Software Company’s Most Important Customer Contracts in a Sluggish Economy
- SaaS Lawyer Kristie Prinz Selected to 2024 Super Lawyers Northern California List
- The Prinz Law Office Announces the Launch of New Services Offerings Effective August 1, 2024
- Kristie Prinz to Speak on Negotiating SaaS Contracts in an Uncertain Economy
- What are the Software Contracting Lessons to be Learned from Today’s Worldwide Technology Disruption?
- Introduction to Software and SaaS Lawyer Kristie Prinz
- Should Your Company Rethink its Software Subscription?
- FTC Proposes “Click to Cancel” Rule Provision for Recurring Subscriptions and Memberships
- FTC Files Lawsuit Against Adobe over Annual Paid Monthly Subscription Software Model
- California Considers Adoption of SB1047, Safe and Secure Innovation for Frontier Artificial Intelligence Models Act
- The Prinz Law Office Announces Launch of New Subscription Plans
- New California Law to Mandate Release of VC Investment Diversity Information
- Silicon Valley Arbitration and Mediation Center Publishes Guidelines on Use of Artificial Intelligence in Arbitration
- Talk with an Expert Series: Beau Fernald Shares Software Implementation Best Practices
- FTC Announces Settlement with Twitter Over Deceptive Use of Account Security Data
- Arbitration vs. Litigation: Which is Better for a SaaS Contract?
- Introduction to Silicon Valley Software Law Blog
- Introductory Digital Health Contracts Workshop for Lawyers
- Introduction to Software Contracts Workshop for Lawyers
- Intro to Digital Health Contracts for Non-Lawyers
- Intro to Software Contracts for Non-Lawyers
- Introduction to Negotiating and Drafting SaaS Contracts
- SaaS Lawyer Kristie Prinz to Present on Negotiating Digital Health Contracts
- Can software be subject to FDA regulation?
- Silicon Valley SaaS Lawyer Kristie Prinz’s Webinar on “Best Practices for Drafting and Negotiating SaaS Contracts” Now Available
- Silicon Valley SaaS Lawyer Kristie Prinz to Speak on “Best Practices for Drafting & Negotiating SaaS Contracts”
- Why “SaaS Agreements” are not “SaaS Licenses”
- The Prinz Law Office Adopts New Fixed & Subscription Billing Options
- Negotiating Consulting Services Agreements in an Uncertain Economy
- Introduction to Negotiating & Drafting SaaS Agreements
- Best Practices for Negotiating SaaS Agreements in an Uncertain Economy
- Silicon Valley Software Law Blog’s Kristie Prinz to Present Webinar on “Introduction to Negotiating & Drafting SaaS Agreements”
- Silicon Valley Software Law Blog’s Kristie Prinz to Present Webinar on “Best Practices for Negotiating SaaS Agreements in an Uncertain Economy”
- Best Practices for Negotiating SaaS Agreements in an Uncertain Economy
- The Intersection of Technology and Legal Practice: Addressing Current Technology Issues without Allowing Them to Overwhelm Your Practice
- Best Practices for Negotiating Development Agreements in an Uncertain Economy
- Accessing Coronavirus Disaster Aid to Sustain Your Software Company Through the Crisis
- Best Practices for Negotiating Master Services Agreements in an Uncertain Economy
- Best Practices for Negotiating SaaS Contracts & Managing SaaS Customer Relationships
- Force Majeure and the Coronavirus Pandemic: What Does Your Software Company Need to Know?
- Practice Tips for Renegotiating Contracts due to Coronavirus Uncertainty and Changed Business Conditions
- Capitalizing on SaaS Sales Opportunities During the Coronavirus Crisis Without Creating New Legal Risks
- Silicon Valley Software Law Blog’s Kristie Prinz to Present Series of Webinars On Negotiating in Uncertain Times
- Silicon Valley Software Law Blog’s Kristie Prinz to Present on “The Intersection of Law & Technology: Addressing Current Technology Issues without allowing them to Overwhelm Your Practice”
- Silicon Valley Software Law Blog’s Kristie Prinz to Present on “Negotiating SaaS Contracts & Managing Customer Relationships”
- Silicon Valley Software Law Blog’s Kristie Prinz to Speak on “Negotiating SaaS Agreements” for Clear Law Institute
- The Prinz Law Office Announces New Alternative Billing Options for 2020
- Last Minute Tips for Procrastinators: What Your Company Needs to Know about the January 1, 2020 Effective Date of the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”)
- Legal Developments Impacting the Software Industry 2019
- California Passes New Data Broker Law In Anticipation of January 1, 2020 Effective Date of California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”)
- Silicon Valley Software Law Blog Author Kristie Prinz to Present Upcoming Webinar on “Legal Developments Impacting the Software Industry 2019”
- California Finalizes California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) In Anticipation of January 1st, 2020 Effective Date
- Best Practices for Negotiating SaaS Contracts & Managing SaaS Customer Relationships
- Silicon Valley Software Blog Law’s Kristie Prinz to Present Webinar on “Best Practices for Negotiating SaaS Contracts”
- Is a Company Liable for Software Defects, when a Vulnerability is Discovered but Not Exploited? A Recent Cisco Settlement Suggests Liability May Be Assessed
- Can Your Company Be Sued Over a Software Update? Tesla Suit Signals New Trend in Class Action Suits
- Private Coalition of Health Insurers and Major Tech Companies Announce New Standard for Claims Data Sharing
- Software Industry Concerned About the Potential Impact of AB-5 on Gig Economy
- Facebook Agrees to Record $5 Billion Settlement with FTC on Privacy Practices
- Should Law Enforcement Agencies’ Use of Facial Recognition Software Be Subject to Regulation?
- Silicon Valley Software Law Blog’s Kristie Prinz to Speak on Upcoming Webinar on SaaS Contracts
- Silicon Valley Software Law Blog’s Kristie Prinz to Present Upcoming Webinar on Software Hosting Agreements
- FTC Puts Software Companies and Service Providers on Notice of Broad Enforcement Powers Under Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act Safeguards Rule
- FTC Sends Warning to IoT Companies on the Importance of Secure Software Development with Enforcement Action Against D-Link
- Developers File Suit Against Apple for App Store Practices Following Recent Decision by U.S. Supreme Court
- Supreme Court Rules Against Apple in Antitrust Case to Determine if App Store is Monopoly
- The Prinz Law Office Announces Opening of New San Francisco Office
- Best Practices for Drafting Master Service Agreements & Managing the Service Relationship
- Best Practices for Drafting SaaS Contracts
- Silicon Valley Software Law Blog’s Kristie Prinz to Speak on “Best Practices for Drafting Master Service Agreements & Managing the Service Relationship”
- Silicon Valley Software Law’s Kristie Prinz to Speak on “Best Practices for Drafting SaaS Contracts & Managing SaaS Customer Relationships”
Silicon Valley Software Law Blog’s Kristie Prinz to Present Webinar on “Introduction to Negotiating & Drafting SaaS Agreements”
Silicon Valley Software Law Blog’s Kristie Prinz will present a webinar on “Introduction to Negotiating & Drafting SaaS Agreements” on December 14, 2020 at 10 a.m. PST. To learn more about the program or to register, please click here.
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Blog Author: Kristie Prinz
Read MoreKristie D. Prinz
Rated by Super Lawyers
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Coming soon!
- Best Practices for Negotiating and Drafting SaaS Contracts (November 2021)
- Negotiating SaaS Contracts & Managing Customer Relationships (March 2020)
- Best Practices for Negotiating SaaS Contracts (Oct. 2019)
- Best Practices for Drafting MSAs (2019)
- Legal Developments in Software Industry (2019)
- Best Practices for Drafting SaaS Contracts (October. 2017)
- Best Practices for Drafting SaaS Contracts that Reduce the Sales Cycle & Avoid Disputes (March 2017)
- What You Need to Know About Nondisclosure Agreements (2009)
- What Every Small Business Needs to Know About IP (2009)
- Leveraging an IP Portfolio (2009)
- What Companies Should Know About Business Blogging (Sept. 2009)
- Social and Professional Online Networking (2009)
- Developments and Trends in Blog Law (2009)
- How to Protect Against the Risks of Workers Going Online (2008)
- AI Regulation
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- App Store Changes
- Artificial Intelligence
- California Privacy Legislation
- California Regulation
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- Data Breach
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- Smartphone Applications
- Software Agreement Drafting
- Software Controversies
- Software Crimes
- software implementation
- Software Legislation
- Software Litigation
- Software Start-up Tips
- Start-up Software Company
- State Regulation
- Talk with an Expert Series
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- Upcoming Event Notice
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- US Privacy Legislation
- Video
- Software Licensing vs. Software-as-a-Service…
- What SaaS Companies Need to Know About Source Code…
- Why “SaaS Agreements” are not…
- Service Level Agreements: What is a Service-Level…
- California Enacts New Law to Apply to Consumer Subscriptions
- Arbitration vs. Litigation: Which is Better for a…
- What Software Companies Need to Know about the EU…
- Negotiating the Purchase of SaaS Company Assets: Key…
- FTC Puts Software Companies and Service Providers on…
- Can software be subject to FDA regulation?
- Apple Signals New Enforcement Strategy to Companies…
- Introduction to Silicon Valley Software Law Blog
- Websites Set to Observe SOPA Blackout Day
- Recent Software Class Actions Provide Valuable…
- Does Your Customer Software License or SaaS…
- Investigation Reportedly Launched by Department of…
- California Finalizes California Consumer Privacy Act…
- Digital Rights Management Software and the Printer…
- Talk with an Expert Series: Beau Fernald Shares…
- Silicon Valley Arbitration and Mediation Center…
- New California Law to Mandate Release of VC…
- California Considers Adoption of SB1047, Safe and…
- California Passes New Data Broker Law In…
- FTC Proposes “Click to Cancel” Rule…
- Facebook Agrees to Record $5 Billion Settlement with…
- Recent FTC Enforcement Actions Should Serve as…
- Recent FTC Enforcement Action Should Serve as…
- In Aftermath of GDPR, California Passes Consumer…
- FTC Files Lawsuit Against Adobe over Annual Paid…
- Careful Drafting of Pricing Terms is Key to all…
- Is the OPEN Act a More Viable Alternative to SOPA?
- FTC Announces Settlement with Twitter Over Deceptive…
- Common Software Agreement Fee Drafting Problems and…
- Irish Court Has Referred Case to European Court…
- Microsoft Launches New Constitutional Challenge…
- Intro to Software Contracts for Non-Lawyers
- Introduction to Software Contracts Workshop for Lawyers
- Supreme Court Rules Against Apple in Antitrust Case…
- Silicon Valley SaaS Lawyer Kristie Prinz’s…
- Technology and Telecommunication Companies Lobby…
- Should Your Software Company Be Concerned about…
- Accessing Coronavirus Disaster Aid to Sustain Your…
- Introduction to Negotiating and Drafting SaaS Contracts
- Silicon Valley SaaS Lawyer Kristie Prinz to Speak on…
- SaaS Lawyer Kristie Prinz to Present on Negotiating…
- Software Industry Warns of Fallout from…
- Silicon Valley Software Law Blog’s Kristie…
- Is a Company Liable for Software Defects, when a…
- California to Consider Bill that Restores Net Neutrality
- Force Majeure and the Coronavirus Pandemic: What…
- Digital Health Lawyer Kristie Prinz authors Article on Artificial Intelligence (“AI”)
- Failure to Address Implementation in Digital Health Contracts Leads to Disputes
- FTC Announces Final “Click to Cancel” Rule for Subscriptions, Memberships
- California Adopts “Click to Cancel” Law to Regulate Consumer Subscriptions
- Kristie Prinz to Lead New Silicon Valley Group in ProVisors
- Kristie Prinz to Speak at Practicing Law Institute Program
- Digital Health Lawyer Kristie Prinz introduces The Prinz Law Office
- Kristie Prinz Explains Why Companies Should Review Key Customer Contracts in a Sluggish Economy
- Digital Health Law Blog Kristie Prinz Introduces Self
- SaaS Contracts Lawyer Kristie Prinz authors article on “Managing the Legal Risks of Artificial Intelligence”
- Kristie Prinz to Speak on “Negotiating SaaS Agreements”
- SaaS Companies Must Comply with New FTC “Click to Cancel” Rule
- SaaS Companies Must Comply with California Subscription Law
- Kristie Prinz to Lead New Silicon Valley Group in ProVisors
- Kristie Prinz Introduces The Prinz Law Office
- SaaS Contracts Lawyer Kristie Prinz Speaks on Why to Audit Key Customer Contracts in a Sluggish Economy
- SaaS Contracts Lawyer Kristie Prinz Speaks on Why Not to Use the Term “SaaS License”
- Will Customer Cost-Cutting Affect Your SaaS Company?
- SaaS Contracts Lawyer Kristie Prinz Selected as 2024 Super Lawyer California